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FemTechnology University Series - Harvard Business School 

FemTechnology University Series connects university students to innovations in FemTech (technological solutions for women’s health) by giving them the tools to actively innovate in the field, as well as encouraging them to share their experiences and insights in women’s health. 

Where: Hawes Hall, Classroom 202, Harvard Business School 

What? The Future of Contraception - Panel & Networking

When: Wednesday Sept 28th, 4-6 pm 

Who? Rembrand M. Koning - Assistant Professor, Strategy Unit, Harvard Business School, whose recent work focuses on innovation in women's health and the barriers that stifle innovation and startups that serve the needs of women.

Cirqle biomedical - Combining human-centric design and mucus engineering to launch a novel form of non-hormonal contraception.

Dama Health - A startup using a genetic test and an automated matching system to develop a personalized contraception recommendation platform for women and clinicians.

Moderated by Oriana Kraft, Founder FemTechnology Summit - Bringing together Femtech startups, researchers, chief clinicians and university students for a 360 degree perspective on innovation in women's health.

Why Join? Are you interested in what the future of contraception holds? Would you like to understand how the European and US women’s health landscapes differ? Curious about what the recent Roe v. Wade reversal means for the future of the field? Looking for an overview of the different approaches to contraception being taken (genetic testing, non-hormonal contraception  review platforms, holistic prescriptions,and more)? Or would you just like to generally connect with others interested in the critical and burgeoning field of women's healthcare science, technology, and innovation?

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We'd Love To Hear From You! 

We’re building a platform for innovation and coordination in women’s health starting with the college age population:

-       If you cannot attend in person Sept 28th but are interested in becoming more involved in the femtech / women’s health movement and contributing to FemTechnology Summit’s mission via content creation, content collection or would like to be a part of the platform we’re building as a student ambassador, please reach out at:  

-       If you are a researcher / clinician / startup innovating in women’s health and interested in being featured /collaborating please reach out to us at:

To listen to past FemTechnology panels: 

Future of Fertility (with Kindbody, Hertility, Parla)
Future of Care  (with Maven Clinic, LunaJoy,, MySummer)

Gender Data Health Gap (with Evvy, Endometrics, Bloomlife, Lioness)

How Male Centric Medicine Endangers Women’s Health (with Dr. Alyson McGregor)

More information about FemTechnology Summit’s University Series on contraception; mental health; gynecological diagnoses (fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis …); UTIs, STDs, sexual well-being; menstrual health and past FemTechnology Summit events can be found at:

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