2024 Mahtomedi Fishing Club Roster Info
This form is for contact and relevant information for your MHS Fishing Team Coaches.  Please be sure to fill out the contact #'s and emails properly.  We want to have parent contacts unique from angler.
Angler's email address *
Angler's Name (Last, First) *
Angler's BASS# (if unknown, please ask coach for help in registering) *
Angler's Cell Phone # *
Grade for this coming fall *
Angler has access to a boat and boater *
Angler's Address (house #, Street, City, Zip) *
#1 Parent/Guardian Name (last/first) *
#1 Parent/Guardian Cell # *
#1 Parent/Guardian email address *
#2 Parent/Guardian Name (last/first) *
#2 Parent/Guardian Cell # *
#2 Parent/Guardian email address *
Jersey size *
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