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Quiz - Tutorial 2: Intermediate Researchers

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Good luck, and see you at the library!
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Name (first and last): *
Coyote ID #: *
Class (example: PSYC 3311, or N/A) *
Scholars and experts share their knowledge with a research community by: *
5 points
A scholarly journal (pick all that apply): *
5 points
Which types of articles are typically peer-reviewed? *
5 points
The peer review process is meant to: *
5 points
Peer reviewers are typically: *
5 points
What best describes “The Literature?” *
5 points
The types of sources you find in “The Literature” are typically: *
5 points
The purpose of popular sources is to study a phenomenon in depth. *
5 points
Scholarly sources are typically considered more authoritative than popular sources. True or false? *
5 points
Because scholarly sources are created with a particular audience in mind, theywill often be written using the _______ of a specific discipline. *
5 points
Scholarly sources are meant to entertain rather than engage in analysis. *
5 points
If you are assigned to write a literature review, you will create: *
5 points
Attribution is the act of giving credit to the author or creator of a work. How do scholars typically do this? *
5 points
Attribution... *
5 points
A library database is: *
5 points
What would be the best way to search a library database for information on middle school? *
5 points
If you want to retrieve variations of the word planet, such as planets and planetary, search: *
5 points
The best way to use truncation to search for multiple forms of the word generate would be to search: *
5 points
Refer to a database’s __________ section if you need assistance identifying which wildcards to use in your search. *
5 points
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