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GO CAPS-Lake Region Application
The Greater Ozarks Centers for Advanced Professional Studies (GO CAPS) immerses high school students in professional environments through engaging curriculum driven by industry professionals.  GO CAPS gives students the opportunity to test drive their future, learn where their passions lie and where they don't.  It provides real-world, professional skills through a year-long immersive experience at partner businesses across the Lake Region

The GO CAPS-Lake Region is offering three strands for the 2020-21 School Year; Engineering,  Manufacturing and Medicine and Health Care and Business & Entrepreneurship  

Businesses across the region are supporting GO CAPS through real-world projects, curriculum support, guest instructors and student mentors.

GO CAPS is open to all seniors and juniors residing within the Lebanon, Camdenton, Conway, Richland and Laquey school districts.  If you are interested in applying for the GOCAPS Lake Region  program, please first meet with your school counselor to determine if this will fit into your schedule.  Thank you for your interest in GOCAPS Lake Region .
Email *
Legal First Name *
Legal Middle Name *
Legal Last Name *
Current Grade *
Gender *
Student Phone Number *
Student Email which will be read over summer *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Parent Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent E-mail *
School Enrolled In *
If a homeschool/private school student, specify which high school you are zoned to attend.
Birthday *
I will turn 18 on (please provide date) *
Course Strand Choice *
Do you have a morning or afternoon session preference? *
Please explain why you would prefer the AM or PM session.  
 For example, conflicts with early morning band practice or conflicts with course offerings at home school.
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