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2022.10.01 - Picnic and Play @ Norton Priory Museum & Gardens
A great way of getting our members and families together to have some fun, chat and make friendships, you bring your picnic and we'll bring the games.

Event Date: Saturday 1st October 2022
Event Time: 10am - 1pm
Event Address: Norton Priory Museum & Gardens, Tudor Road, Windmill Hill, Runcorn, WA7 1SX
Event fees: Free (car park charges may be 'pay and display')
Age: Any

Please note: children remain the responsibility of their parent/carer at all times

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Parent/carer 1 name *
Parent/carer 1 telephone *
Parent/carer 2 name
Parent/carer 2 telephone
Name of member with DS *
DOB of child with DS *
Will siblings be attending? If so please provide name & DOB *
Do you give permission for DSC to use images from this event that contain members of your family? *
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