An Investigation into consumer attitudes and consumption behaviour of food supplements
Information Sheet:
My Name is James McCabe, and I am in my final year of Food and Agri-Business Management
at University College Dublin. As part of my final year, I have got the opportunity to undertake a
research project to investigate the consumer attitudes and consumption behaviour of food
This research will provide a better understanding of why people take food supplements and
further knowledge of the characteristics of the consumers.
You have been chosen to participate in this questionnaire as this study is sampling Irish
Taking part in this study involves completing a questionnaire.
While there will be no direct benefit to you from the study, the findings have the potential to
make a contribution to our understanding of consumer food supplement consumption.
Participation in this study is anonymous, and Participants have the right to refuse to participate.
You have the right to withdraw from this study at any time.
This survey has 19 questions and takes roughly 5 minutes to complete.