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DFW Muslim Demographic Survey
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Age *
Sex *
Job Profession *
Employment *
Check all that apply
Annual Income *
Highest level of education achieved *
Marital Status *
How many children do you have? *
In what country were you born? *
Example: America, Turkey, Jordan, Thailand, Saudi Arabia
What is your ethnicity? *
Example: Arab, Persian, Gurjar, Pashtun
What languages can you speak fluently? *
If you are fluent in more than one language, what was the first language you learned?
City of Residence *
Mosque you attend *
How often do you attend the mosque? *
If daily, monthly, or occasionally, please specify in the next question
If you chose daily, monthly, or occasionally in the last question, please specify here.
Example: 2 times a month
I am a . . . *
If not a citizen, please skip down to number 19
If you are a citizen, are you registered to vote? *
Do you intend to vote in the next 2016 Presidential election? *
How important do you think voting in local elections are? *
How important do you think voting in state elections are? *
How important do you think voting in federal elections are? *
I identify myself as part of the. . . *
Please mark the one that applies *
I consider myself a . . . *
If you consider yourself a Muslim, how would you categorize yourself? *
Do you pay your zakat every year (when eligible)? *
If you donate to sadaqa, in what forms do you give? *
Example: material goods, monetary services, etc
Have you experienced any types of discrimination or bullying that you believe is a result of your religion or ethnicity? *
If yes, please specify in the next two questions.
If you have experienced any types of discrimination or bullying that you believe is a result of your religion or ethnicity, did you report it to CAIR-DFW or any other law enforcement or civil rights organization? *
If you have experienced any types of discrimination or bullying that you believe is a result of your religion or ethnicity, please briefly specify the occurrence. *
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