ChronoBreach SMP Application
The ChronoBreach server is a youtuber only Whitelist SMP. Think Hermitcraft, but for small Youtubers. Our server has unique lore/theme that will tie all members into the world. Each server member's world is "connected" to the ChronoBreach world. When a member joins the server a "breach" forms between their world and the server's world, connecting them. The server is its own stand alone world, so everyone's worlds aren't actually a part of the server. The lore is just to give some inspiration to start the server.
Email *
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What is your YouTube channel? *
Application video link (optional)
What type of minecraft player are you? *
Why do you want to join ChronoBreach? *
Where did you hear about ChronoBreach? (Optional)
Email *
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We will be hosting many different server events and need to know a few things to help us with scheduling.
How often do you plan on playing on the server? *
How often do you record? *
Will you participate in lore themed events? *
What Timezone are you in? *
Discord Name with numbers *
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