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Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Women's Resource Center of Alamance County! Without you, we would not be able to provide our services to the community. Please fill out the information below. Note that all information requested on this form is for WRC use only.

Office hours are Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 4 PM
We have special weekend and night events at various times.
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Email *
Name *
Date *
Address *
Phone Number *
Occupation *
School (if student)
What length of commitment can you make? __ day/hours per week, __ day/hours per month as needed *
What relevant background or special interests do you bring, either personal or professional, which would be useful as a Women's Resource Center volunteer? *
Have you chaired a committee of volunteers? *
Are you willing to offer leadership this way? *
Please list any computer or technical skills and expertise. *
Please indicate your interest in Special Events or Projects
If you selected "Facilitator of workshops in your area of expertise", please give some insight into your interest area.
If you selected "Herb Festival (Annual Position in April)", please select which slots you would be willing to volunteer for.
If you selected "Board Standing Committees", please select any of the following standing committees in which you have an interest in serving.
If you have any other skills or ideas for ways to volunteer with the WRC, please list them below. *
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