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ClassyCurlies' 1-on-1 Hair Consultation Request
Request your personal curly hair care consultation with Victoria of
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How it works
Hey Curlies,
I'd love to chat with you during a personal hair consultation.
Here's how it works:

-You complete a brief questionnaire on your hair - this will give me an idea of what your problem areas are
-We set a time and date to meet up in person (or via phone or video chat)
-I will come with starting information on how we can help solve your hair problems based on the information you supplied in the questionnaire
-During the consultation you'll get the chance to ask any questions you'd like
Full name *
Email address *
What is your reason for requesting a consultation? *
How long have you been natural? *
If you haven't mentioned, what type of hair challenges are you facing? *
Are you located in the Indianapolis area? (Those outside Indianapolis can choose video chat consultation) *
How long would you like to book your consultation? ($30/hour) - Payment made via PayPal
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Request your 1-on-1 appointment below:
Schedule here:
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