ASA Recruitment Rules Existence Survey
The ASA has traditionally set rules regarding student group recruitment. Such rules strive to create a fair environment for all student groups to recruit, to avoid conflicting with the Orientation process, and to balance the demands placed on new students.

The most recent iteration of these rules can be found on our website here: <>. They include a restriction on cold-contacting people in the late spring and throughout the summer, and a complete moratorium on any recruiting for the three weeks prior to the Activities Midway at the end of Orientation.

We are considering entirely removing the rules this year, both the late spring/summer rules and the moratorium. All student groups would be free to recruit however they see fit.

Some ASA Executive Board members are uneasy about this change. If we decide to not set recruitment rules this year, it will only be as a carefully-observed trial.

To help our decision, we would like to know your thoughts on the proposed change. We are curious about whether you like the idea in general, and if so, whether you would prefer the change wait a year so groups can begin planning recruitment with the change in mind, or you would like to see it implemented this year.

Please fill out this one-question survey to tell us how you feel about this possible change, and as always, feel free to email us at <> with any questions or concerns.
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Should the ASA remove its rules governing student group recruitment? *
What is your username? *
Anything you'd like to add?
If you'd like to explain your answer, suggest an alternative, or give any other feedback about the recruitment rules, do it here.
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