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Let Wanda Speak

Dear Art Gallery of Ontario Board of Trustees,

We are writing today to express our grave concern regarding the dismissal of Wanda Nanibush from her position of Curator of Indigenous and Canadian Art at the Art Gallery of Ontario, and regarding the ways in which her departure has been sorely mishandled. The repercussions of your action are being felt throughout this country by Indigenous organizations; by Indigenous people connected to arts and cultural communities; and by other institutions invested in allyship and decolonization. Your decisions caused a seismic rupture within the fragile fabric of reconciliation. The lack of transparency surrounding these actions is incredibly destabilizing for all of us left in the dark, wondering what and who will be the next to fall? The institutional autocracy that you have enacted to silence and erase the presence of Ms. Nanibush - and accomplishments she made together with you, the AGO, within your walls - is chilling.

The act of including didactics in Anishinaabemowin throughout your galleries was simple, yet revolutionary. You were one of the first. To see those words, that language, made present, instilled such pride and power in us, that we would carry with us, out into the world, giving us strength long after our visits were over. The agency afforded to Ms. Nanibush in order to enact her ideas in such a space was extraordinary. It was the result of a relationship of trust.

This presented the possibility of change not only within the walls of the AGO, but beyond, national in scope. The ripple effect was felt throughout these territories, laying the ground for what we call, “decolonization”. Our stories and voices, our ways of thinking and doing, were acknowledged and honoured at home on our land, and further - they were brought to the international stage. These were done in ways that we understood: through relationship, discourse and communication. As much as Wanda Nanibush’s position was emblematic of the potential for change and good will of the institution and those who worked there, the way in which her departure has transpired from your institution, is fraught. We now see that this relationship existed in an unbalanced power structure. Relationship building that had been done for years has been severely damaged because of your actions.

One of the basic tenets of a territorial acknowledgement is to name the people of the land. To not name them is to render them invisible. This is quite literally what you have now done to Ms Nanibush. The silencing of her person, the erasure of her presence within your institution, has broken any illusion of relationship upon which allyship with Indigenous communities must be built. This is an incredible step backwards that is so damaging, not only to the Indigenous arts community, but other racialized arts communities as well. These communities include individuals, organizations and networks who have all been affected by these events. Like a rhizomatic system, we are embedded throughout these territories. As something happens to one, it happens to all. Our trust has been broken.

In his open letter dated November 30, 2023, AGO Director, Stephen Jost, apparently assumed the Indigenous arts community will be willing to work with the AGO in the future - that the harms caused are focused on Ms. Nanibush alone and that her dismissal does not greatly affect us all. However this assumption is wrong. The AGO is a public institution. We are a part of it, as Wanda brought us in. While Mr. Jost mentions a continuing commitment to Indigenous artists, storytellers and thinkers, there is no plan on how this will be enacted. We require transparency and inclusion, trust and respect, if we are to continue on this journey together. For us, the first, necessary and most obvious step is to understand what happened and why.

We request that the AGO release Ms. Nanibush from any legal obligations preventing her from speaking publicly about her tenure and dismissal, about how she sees what happened and why. It is essential that we hear her words on this matter, to prepare the ground for any relations to begin to grow again.

Let Wanda Speak.

We hope you recognize the importance of the AGO's relationship with the Indigenous arts community and urgently take this first step in repairing the trust that has been so badly damaged by Wanda Nanibush’s dismissal. Do you not think that we are on a journey together? We share these lands. We have shared these lands. We must work together. We are in relationship.

We respectfully ask for a response to our request by Wednesday January 31, 2024.

If we do not hear from you by this date, we will consider other options that are arising from ongoing conversations within Indigenous arts communities.

Eli Hirtle, Director of Programs, Indigenous Curatorial Collective/Collectif des commissaires autochtones

Liz Barron, Director of Operations, Indigenous Curatorial Collective/Collectif des commissaires autochtones

France Trépanier, Director, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires

Chris Creighton-Kelly, Director, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires

Jennifer Smith, National Director, National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition  

Debbie Keeper, Operations Director, Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art

Justin Bear Larivee, Artistic Director, Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art

Becca Taylor, Director, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Halie Finney, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Cheyenne Rain LeGrande, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Alberta Rose W. / Ingniq, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Dan Cardinal McCartney, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Tiffany Shaw, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Please direct enquiries or responses to Eli Hirtle,


Cher conseil d’administration du Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario,

Nous vous écrivons aujourd’hui pour exprimer notre vive préoccupation quant au congédiement de Wanda Nanibush à titre de commissaire d’art autochtone et canadien au Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario, et quant à la manière lamentable dont son départ a été traité. Partout au pays, les répercussions de ce geste sont ressenties par les organisations autochtones, les personnes autochtones impliquées dans les communautés artistiques et culturelles, ainsi que les autres institutions investies dans leur rôle d’alliées et dans la décolonisation. Vos décisions ont entraîné une déchirure profonde du fragile tissu de la réconciliation. Le manque de transparence entourant ces actions est extrêmement déstabilisant : nous restons dans le noir, forcé·e·s de nous demander sur quoi et sur qui s’abattra le prochain couperet. L’autocratie institutionnelle que vous invoquez pour faire taire madame Nanibush et pour effacer sa présence (sans parler de tout ce qu’elle a accompli avec le Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario) nous glace le sang.

L’inclusion de matériel didactique en anishinaabemowin dans vos galeries était un geste simple, mais révolutionnaire – un geste que vous étiez parmi les premières institutions à poser. Ces mots et cette langue nous remplissaient de force et de fierté. Ils restaient en nous longtemps après chaque visite. La marge de manœuvre accordée à madame Nanibush pour donner vie à ses idées dans un tel espace était extraordinaire. Elle découlait d’une relation de confiance.

Dans ce contexte, le changement devenait possible non seulement au Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario, mais à l’échelle nationale. Une vague de changement se faisait sentir sur tous nos territoires, ouvrant la voie vers ce que nous appelons la décolonisation. Nos récits et nos voix, nos façons de dire et de faire étaient reconnus et honorés chez nous, sur nos terres, mais aussi à l’international. Ce processus passait par des moyens qui nous étaient familiers : relations, discours, communication. Si le poste occupé par Wanda Nanibush symbolisait un potentiel de changement et de bonne volonté de la part de l’institution et des gens qui y travaillaient, son congédiement est pour le moins troublant. Nous savons maintenant que cette relation était tributaire d’un déséquilibre des pouvoirs. Les liens tissés au fil des ans sont aujourd’hui en piteux état, et ce, en raison de vos actions.

L’un des principes fondateurs de la reconnaissance territoriale consiste à nommer les peuples de chaque territoire. Taire leurs noms reviendrait à les invisibiliser. Or, c’est exactement ce que vous avez fait à madame Nanibush. En la réduisant au silence, en effaçant sa présence au sein de votre institution, vous avez détruit toute illusion de la relation sur laquelle doit se fonder une alliance avec les communautés autochtones. Ce déplorable retour en arrière est extrêmement nocif non seulement pour la communauté artistique autochtone, mais pour les autres communautés artistiques racisées, y compris toutes les personnes, toutes les organisations et tous les réseaux touchés par ces événements. Nous sommes comme un système de rhizomes : enraciné·e·s dans nos territoires. Le tort causé à l’un·e d’entre nous nous affecte toustes. Vous avez trahi notre confiance.

Dans sa lettre ouverte du 30 novembre 2023, Stephen Jost, directeur du Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario, présume que la communauté artistique autochtone restera disposée à collaborer avec le Musée. Comme si les torts causés ne touchaient que madame Nanibush; comme si son congédiement ne nous bouleversait pas toustes. Monsieur Jost se trompe. Le Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario est une institution publique dont, grâce à Wanda, nous faisons partie. Le directeur parle d’un engagement continu envers les artistes, les conteurs, les conteuses, les penseurs et les penseuses autochtones. Pourtant, aucun plan n’a été mis en place pour honorer cet engagement. Pour continuer d’avancer ensemble sur cette voie, nous exigeons d’abord transparence et inclusion, confiance et respect.

En ce qui nous concerne, la première étape – évidente et primordiale – est de comprendre ce qui s’est produit et pourquoi.

Nous demandons au Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario de libérer madame Nanibush de toute obligation légale qui l’empêcherait de parler publiquement de son expérience au Musée et de son congédiement ou de donner sa version des faits. Pour éventuellement renouer nos liens, nous devons d’abord, et c’est essentiel, entendre ce que Wanda a à dire.

Laissez Wanda s’exprimer.

Nous espérons que vous reconnaîtrez l’importance de la relation qu’entretient le Musée des beaux-arts de l’Ontario avec la communauté artistique autochtone, et que vous prendrez immédiatement cette première mesure pour regagner la confiance que vous avez trahie en congédiant Wanda Nanibush.

Ne sommes-nous pas engagé·e·s sur une même voie? Nous avons partagé ces terres. Nous continuons de les partager. Nous devons absolument travailler ensemble. Nous sommes en relation les un·e·s avec les autres.

Nous vous demandons de répondre à notre demande d’ici le mercredi 31 janvier 2024.

Eli Hirtle, Director of Programs, Indigenous Curatorial Collective/Collectif des commissaires autochtones

Liz Barron, Director of Operations, Indigenous Curatorial Collective/Collectif des commissaires autochtones

France Trépanier, Director, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires

Chris Creighton-Kelly, Director, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires

Jennifer Smith, National Director, National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition  

Debbie Keeper, Operations Director, Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art

Justin Bear Larivee, Artistic Director, Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art

Becca Taylor, Director, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Halie Finney, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Cheyenne Rain LeGrande, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Alberta Rose W. / Ingniq, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Dan Cardinal McCartney, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Tiffany Shaw, Core member, Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre

Veuillez adresser vos demandes ou réponses à Eli Hirtle,

Additional Signatures:

1) Charles Campbell, artist, in solidarity

2) Sarah Love

3) Regan Shrumm

4) Julia Polyck-O’Neill

5) Jess Murwin

6) Kelsey Myler, in solidarity

7) Mahlet Cuff

8) Talena Atfield

9) Adrienne Huard, PhD Candidate, Anishinaabe

10) Alex Jacobs-Blum

11) Sara Lopez Assu, Executive Director, Campbell River Art Gallery

12) Wanda M VanderStoop, Distribution Director, Vtape

13) Flounder Lee, Independent Curator/artist/post graduate researcher

14) Lisa Deanne Smith, Senior Curator, Onsite Gallery, OCAD University

15) Jayne Wilkinson

16) Dr Matt Rogalsky

17) Sandra Mannila

18) Michael Maranda, In Solidarity

19) Deanna Bowen, Artist

20) Gabrielle Moser

21) Emily Cook

22) Olivia Kristoff

23) Amanda Roy

24) Danielle Printup

25) Laura Margita, Director/Curator Gallery 101

26) Tkaronto Kwe

27) Nadia Kurd

28) Jazz Cook

29) Jessie Jakumeit

30) Justin Seiji Waddell

31) Jamelie Hassan, Visual Artist & Cofounder and Curatorial Advisor, Embassy Cultural House

32) Alex King, University of Regina

33) Alexandra Nordstrom

34) Don Ball

35) Jayce Salloum, from the river to the sea project

36) Carrie Allison

37) Chris Gehman, Managing Director, Vtape

38) Bridget Moser

39) Cathi Charles Wherry, Anishinaabe artist, writer, curator

40) Andrea Low

41) Samay Arcentales Cajas

42) Jordanna George

43) Meagan Byrne, Founder, Achimostawinan Games

44) Julia Prudhomme, Oxygen Art Centre

45) Sarah-Tai Black

46) Meganelizabeth Diamond

47) Shauna Thompson

48) Kahero:ton Scott

49) Benjamin J. Allard, artiste et travailleur culturel

50) Joni Low

51) Jada-Gabrielle Pape, wu'WasUlwa:t, Snuneymuxw and Saanich nations, mixed media artist, grief and trauma counsellor

52) Shantell Powell

53) Matthew Hayes

54) Alica Hall

55) Nancy Friedland

56) jes sachse

57) Joanni Grenier

58) Hima Batavia

59) Pascaline Le Bras

60) Miinna Lee

61) Natasha Smith

62) Taryn Walker / SFU MFA candidate

63) Gabi Dao, artist

64) Emily Best

65) David Wise

66) Lisa Myers, York Research Chair in Indigenous art and Curatiorial Practice, York University.

67) Dr. Mimi Gellman

68) Karice Mitchell

69) Krystal Paraboo

70) Morgan Possberg Denne, Indigenous Program Specialist, Calgary Arts Development

71) Krystle Silverfox

72) Jessica Irene Joyce, Artist and MFA Candidate at the University of Western Ontario

73) Carolina Reis

74) Ernest Daetwyler

75) Ron Benner

76) Katherine Takpannie

77) Michael Duong

78) Nahed Mansour

79) Adonis King

80) Aylan Couchie, Anishnaabe Artist/Writer/Curator/PhD Candidate, OCAD U & Queen's U

81) Shalaka Jadhav

82) Alanna Thain, In Solidarity

83) Jacqueline Morrisseau-Addison

84) Rachel Taylor, Iñupiaq editor

85) Gabrielle Moser, In Solidarity

86) Sally Lee, Arts Worker, In Solidarity

87) Andrew Gayed, In Solidarity

88) Courtney Mathieson, former AGO volunteer in solidarity

89) Emily DiCarlo in solidarity

90) Charles A. Ross - in solidarity

91) Talia Golland (in solidarity)

92) Laura Linklater

93) Owisokon Lahache, CEO, Mohawk, Turtle Bay Art Studio

94) Luis Jacob, in solidarity

95) Drew Snyder in solidarity

96) Rain Cabana-Boucher

97) Nima Esmailpour, respectfully in solidarity

98) Richard Fung in solidarity

99) Nanyamka Lewis

100) Lindsay McIntyre

101) Kris Noakes

102) Farheen Haq (in solidarity)

103) Leslie Ting *in solidarity

104) Reiko Pleau

105) Rebecca Diederichs

106) Min Sook Lee in solidarity

107) David de Weerdt, in solidarity

108) Rea McNamara, Writer and Curator

109) Scott Miller Berry in solidarity (cultural worker, filmmaker)

110) Mike Hoolboom (in solidarity)

111) Jan Wade In solidarity

112) Kim Simon, in solidarity

113) Men-Chong Luk in solidarity

114) Andrea Fatona, in solidarity

115) Karl Moser in solidarity

116) Kate Monro, Arts Worker in solidarity

117) Jennifer Smith

118) Helen Lee

119) Katie Stelmanis, in solidarity

120) Jill Glessing, in solidarity

121) Ma Myriah Peace

122) Coman Poon, Land Embodiment Lab (LEL)

123) David Wall in solidarity

124) Maggie Flynn - in solidarity

125) Kyo Maclear, in solidarity

126) Ali Kazimi, Professor, York University

127) Tammy Yiu Coyne, in solidarity

128) Rick Andrighetti (in solidarity)

129) Jill Smith in solidarity

130) Greta Reid, Indigenous Artist - Saqnaquinx (Syilx-Okanagan)

131) Robyn Vivian - in solidarity

132) Ésery Mondésir

133) Indu Vashist, in solidarity

134) Kallen Law (in solidarity)

135) Maxine Bock, Executive Officer, Winnipeg Art Gallery-Qaumajuq. In Solidarity

136) Kristina sarris - in solidarity

137) Mathura Mahendren, in solidarity

138) Su Ying Strang in solidarity

139) Katy Ocean in solidarity

140) Cassandra Paul “in solidarity”

141) Kathy Wazana, Filmmaker, In solidarity

142) Leena Raudvee - in solidarity

143) Pegah Gholam in Solidarity

144) Diana Zapata - in solidarity

145) Richard Finlay Fletcher in solidarity

146) Ali Khodr-Ali in solidarity

147) Elle Flanders Jewish artist in solidarity

148) Alisha de Haan- in solidarity

149) Tamara Levitz (in solidarity)

150) Helen Yung in solidarity, Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence

151) Bryne McLaughlin (in solidarity)

152) Matt Brown, in solidarity

153) Stephanie Ruggieri, in solidarity

154) T. Phu, Professor, in solidarity

155) gitanjali lena (in solidarity)

156) G D - in solidarity

157) Delilah Rosier in solidarity

158) Mireille Bourgeois in solidarity

159) Rachel Goffe, in solidarity

160) Beverley Mullings in solidarity

161) Deb Cowen, in solidarity

162) Janet Kandler, in solidarity

163) Margo Hébert in solidarity

164) sue goldstein, in solidarity

165) Nessie Nankivell in solidarity

166) Laurence Butet-Roch, in solidarity

167) Trinity Lloyd, in solidarity

168) Patricio Davila in solidarity

169) Jenny Stimac,Retired Visual Art Teacher TDSB, in solidarity

170) Sarah Nesbitt, writer & curator ~ in solidarity

171) Brianna Olson Pitawanakwat, Native Arts society

172) Luin Goldring, in solidarity

173) Caitilin McMillan (in solidarity)

174) Smadar Carmon, in solidarity

175) Marie-Anne Redhead

176) Michael Zryd (scholar) (in solidarity)

177) Elizabeth Block, member of Independent Jewish Voices, in solidarity

178) Blythe Haynes, in solidarity. Theatre Maker

179) Marshall Jaz Whiteley-Steel, in solidarity

180) Dr. Suzanne Shoush, MD, CCFP, Indigenous physician

181) Andrea Mariko Grant, in solidarity

182) Immony Men

183) Peggy lathwell in solidarity

184) Genne Speers, arts worker in solidarity.

185) Vinh Nguyen, in solidarity

186) Kayla Gale

187) Amy Skippen

188) Edward Sharpe (Arts Worker). In solidarity.

189) Aaditya Aggarwal (in solidarity)

190) Jesse Birch in solidarity

191) Muhannad Ayyash, Professor of Sociology, Mount Royal University (in solidarity)

192) Kerri Sakamoto in solidarity

193) Kristine Mifsud in solidarity

194) Lori Beavis

195) Daisy (Dongni) Sun

196) Theresa Martin (in solidarity)

197) Sarah Dinnick - in solidarity.

198) Leanna Marshall

199) Jason St-Laurent, Curator, SAW in solidarity

200) Majd Al-Shihabi, Palestinian in solidarity

201) Teyama Alkamli - in solidarity

202) Olivia Mossuto in solidarity

203) Shiri Pasternak (in solidarity)

204) Tam-Ca Vo-Van, Director, SAW, in solidarity

205) Zahra Komeylian - in solidarity

206) Sonal Pala (in solidarity)

207) Tay Vansickle, in solidarity

208) Eloise Mutombo in solidarity, Events Coordinator, SAW

209) Inès Mastellotto-Lesny in solidarity, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, SAW

210) Brolin Devine in solidarity

211) Ruby Brown (in solidarity, Ngā Puhi, Aotearoa)

212) vee michela - in solidarity

213) Katina Davidson, Meeanjin//Magandjin (Brisbane, Australia)

214) Lo Fine in solidarity

215) Jillian Vasko

216) Jenna Lynn, in solidarity

217) Elin Már Øyen Vister, in solidarity

218) Carrianne Leung in solidarity

219) Chantal Rousseau, in solidarity

220) Cathy Gulkin in solidarity

221) Dr. Carmen Robertson

222) Sean Lee in solidarity

223) Angus Ferguson

224) Nazli Akhtari in solidarity

225) James Rose Nicolosi-Cao in solidarity

226) Eden Phillips, in solidarity

227) karen mcmillan, in solidarity

228) Lesley Marshall (in solidarity)

229) Michel Dumont Designer Artist

230) Gisele Gordon, in solidarity

231) Natalie Kouri-Towe, in solidarity

232) Kimberley Hayden, in solidarity

233) Juliane Foronda, in solidarity

234) Catherine Hernandez, artist and author in solidarity

235) Mark lewis

236) Sam Cotter, in solidarity

237) Johanna Householder, professor emeritx, OCADU, in solidarity

238) Sandra Brewster

239) Sanjeet Takhar, in solidarity

240) Catherine Beaudette, Founder Bonavista Biennale

241) Francisco-Fernando Granados, in solidarity

242) John Paul Ricco, Prof. - in solidarity

243) Gwen MacGregor - artist, geographer, educator in solidarity

244) Rinaldo Walcott, in solidarity

245) Jessie Amery textile artist in solidarity

246) Bethany MacKenzie in solidarity, Director, Union House Arts

247) Rachel Gurofsky, in solidarity

248) Roya Akbari (in solidarity)

249) Jessica Sanchez Martinez (In solidarity)

250) Megan Samms, Mi'kmaq and Nlaka'pamux multidisciplinary artist, community worker

251) Kate Golding in solidarity

252) Michelle MacKinnon, in solidarity

253) Emily Jan (Artist, Writer, Educator, Board Member)

254) Kadon Douglas (in solidarity)

255) Donald Burke in solidarity

256) Jonathan Middleton, in solidarity

257) Austin Henderson, in solidarity

258) Laura Marks, in solidarity

259) Safia Siad (in solidarity)

260) Elisa Ferrari, in solidarity

261) Andrew Zealley (in solidarity)

262) Thomas C Brown, in solidarity

263) Matt Nish-Lapidus in solidarity

264) Peter Hobbs in solidarity

265) Jeremy Laing, in solidarity

266) Fadi Masoud in solidarity

267) Carole Condé + Karl Beveridge "in solidarity"

268) Hanny A Hassan, C.M. "in solidarity"

269) Catriona Sandilands (in solidarity)

270) David Garneau

271) Veronica Dahl

272) Midi Onodera, in solidarity

273) Freida Malone in solidarity

274) Shannon Walsh, Filmmaker, in solidarity

275) Blair Swann, in solidarity

276) Lori Blondeau

277) Lee Henderson, in solidarity

278) Faisal Ibrahim, in solidarity

279) Fan Wu, in solidarity

280) Dana Prieto in solidarity

281) Alex Robichaud (in solidarity)

282) Riva Symko, WAG-Qaumajuq, in solidarity

283) Thomas del Pozo in solidarity

284) Paul Wong In Solidarity

285) Jennifer McGregor, Artist, MNO Citizen

286) Nahla Alsarraj in solidarity

287) Michelle Wilson in solidarity

288) Sandra Semchuk. In solidarity

289) Natalie Ramos

290) Nicole Honderich (in solidarity)

291) Norm Nehmetallah, in solidarity

292) Vera Frenkel

293) Ena Dua, Professor, in soIidarity

294) Glenn Lewis in solidarity

295) Christina Sharpe, in solidarity

296) Andrew James Paterson

297) Robert Fones in solidarity

298) Usha Viswanathan Prof. York University In solidarity

299) micky renders in solidarity

300) FASTWURMS, in solidarity

301) Sophie Wonfor, in solidarity

302) Rose Ndengue, In solidarity <3

303) Debashis Sinha, in solidarity

304) Philip Hoffman in solidarity

305) Naz - in solidarity

306) Robert Hackett, Prof Emeritus, Simon Fraser University, in solidarity

307) Francisca Duran, in solidarity

308) Farzana Doctor (in solidarity)

309) Maurice Arcand in solidarity

310) Charmaine Lurch, in solidarity

311) Dallas Fellini in solidarity

312) Sini Maury, in solidarity

313) Ruth Cuthand

314) Alice Jim, in solidarity

315) Kelly Greene

316) David Udayasekaran - In solidarity

317) Audie Murray

318) Mario Lourenco "in solidarity"

319) Gary Kinsman in * solidarity

320) Ide Amari Thompson in solidarity

321) Daniela Graziano in solidarity

322) Althea Thauberger, in solidarity

323) Merouan Mekouar (in Solidarity) - Associate Professor, York University

324) Sarah Sands Phillips

325) Catherine Phillips

326) Eric Glavin in solidarity

327) Annette Hegel (in solidarity)

328) Leonard Halladay, in solidarity.

329) Grahame Russell (Rights Action), in solidarity

330) Karine Vanthuyne, in solidarity, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa

331) Jesse Brossoit (Arts Worker), in solidarity

332) Pierre LeBlanc

333) Jan Peacock, in solidarity

334) Alexandra O'Sullivan - In solidarity

335) Harry Smaller - In solidarity!

336) Monique Régimbald-Zeiber, solidaire

337) Jenn Jackson

338) Mike Antoniades (in solidarity)

339) Cason Sharpe (in solidarity)

340) Katheryne Schulz, in solidarity

341) Janet Teibo, in solidarity

342) Bernard Schulz, in solidarity

343) Raf Reza, in solidarity

344) Matthew Evans, in solidarity

345) Colton Hash, in solidarity

346) Don Sugden, *in solidarity*, member of Worker Solidarity Network

347) Navarana Tretina

348) Janet Lumb

349) Ann Unger

350) Michael Flaherty

351) Camille Turner (in solidarity)

352) K. Claire MacDonald, in solidarity

353) Raeesa Lalani - in solidarity

354) Anna Binta Diallo in solidarity

355) Jasmindra Jawanda, in solidarity

356) Oliver Pauk, in solidarity

357) John Weber in solidarity

358) Kerry Swanson

359) David Ng, in solidarity

360) Kat Dodds, Artist, filmmaker (in solidarity)

361) Liz Tsui, in solidarity

362) The Kinship Circle, in solidarity

363) Kay Thomas

364) Haruko Okano interdisciplinary artist & curator

365) Emily Jan; John Weber; K. Claire MacDonald; Kate Golding; Megan Samms; Michael Flaherty; Michelle MacKinnon; signed collectively as board members of Union House Arts, in solidarity

366) Ananya Ohri, in solidarity

367) Christophe Barbeau - in solidarity

368) Tania Willard

369) David LaRiviere, in solidarity

370) Tarin Dehod

371) Derek Sandbeck, in solidarity

372) Rachel Broussard - in solidarity

373) Ghost NCH, in solidarity

374) Kevin Hegge

375) Dr. Sheila Delany, Emerita, SFU

376) Mike Malone

377) Vera Frenkel

378) Mary Jo Hughes

379) Lisa Aalders - in solidarity

380) Daphne Boyer

381) Jin-me Yoon, Artist and Professor, in solidarity

382) raji kaur aujla - in solidarity

383) Ame Henderson in solidarity

384) Myvan - in solidarity

385) Viki Bristowe, artist in solidarity

386) Adam Guthrey in solidarity

387) Ella den Elzen

388) Leila Pourtavaf

389) Jennifer Bowen

390) Lina Samoukova, in solidarity

391) Nicole Burisch, in solidarity

392) Laurence Poirier In solidarity

393) Catlin Lewis (In solidarity)

394) Mace Freeman in solidarity

395) Anthony Fenton (in solidarity, descendant of AGO founder Sir Edmund Walker)

396) Dermot Wilson

397) Ruth Skinner in solidarity

398) Molly JF Caldwell, in solidarity

399) Susan Day in solidarity

400) Stephen Aberle, in solidarity

401) Suza Rail, in solidarity

402) Alexandra Box, in solidarity

403) Molly Goodfellow in solidarity

404) Emma Johnston-Wheeler in solidarity

405) Megan KH Quigley (in solidarity)

406) Sandra Ngenge Dusabe in solidarity

407) Maeve Brennagh-Mackie, in solidarity

408) Leo Brennagh-Mackie in solidarity

409) Jill Francis - in solidarity

410) Tia Carey, in solidarity

411) Prathna Lor, in solidarity

412) Snack Witch Joni Cheung, in solidarity

413) Geneviève Wallen in solidarity

414) Alize Zorlutuna in Solidarity

415) Christina Hajjar, in solidarity

416) Alison Ariss in solidarity

417) Jamie Ly in solidarity

418) Roilui Sin in solidarity

419) Whess Harman, Carrier Wit'at, artist & curator

420) Nicole A. LEE

421) Sahar Rana in solidarity

422) Amy Sharrocks in solidarity

423) Sara Ghaben, in solidarity

424) Nico McGiffin in solidarity

425) Al Dervisevic, in solidarity

426) Daniella Sanader, in solidarity

427) Valérie Frappier, in solidarity

428) Marina Levit in solidarity

429) Evgenia Mikhaylova in solidarity

430) Rebecca Garrett in solidarity

431) April Britski, in solidarity

432) WL Altman

433) Christopher W. Smith, in solidarity

434) Yeonoo Park

435) B. Bogart, in solidarity

436) Shantha Roberts, in solidarity

437) Dr. Mario A. Caro

438) Karen MacDuffee in solidarity

439) Janet Patterson, in solidarity

440) Elijah Miley, in solidarity

441) Lola Ruiz In Solidarity

442) Jennie Davis, in solidarity

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Add your name to the letter. Non-indigenous supporters are encouraged to add "in solidarity" after their names. (please note it may take up to 48 hours for your name to appear on the list).
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