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Geneva Household Signup
Are you looking for the kind of friendship, support and spiritual growth that can happen in a small-group setting?
Being an active member of a Geneva household will help you to be connected with a few others.  It is a place to further love one another in Christ's body. Each household sets its own schedule and activities under church guidance.

This form is for those who are not already a part of a household. 

The name “household” reveals much about what these small groups provide.Your household can become like family—your family in Christ. It is a place where we share as a body, a place to be honest and open with a few others, a place to request prayer and to pray together, to sing, study and question, to grow spiritually. Since most households are in contact with at least one of Geneva's missionaries, it is also a place to learn about our work in the world.    

You can learn more from the coordinators: David or Barb Sironi ( (608) 628-0723, or (608) 333-4841). Perhaps you have already looked at the 'Connect' tab on our webpage to view our households:

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Email *
Name(s) *
Address, # street, city, zip *
Phone *
If children will attend with you, how many?, and what are their ages?
I/we prefer a group that meets *
What times are definitely not good for you?
Can you commit to coming regularly when a suitable household has been selected? *
Comments? Anything else you would like to tell or ask us?
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