NEF Ambassadors Program
Please complete the following survey before you download the application form.
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1. What is your first name? *
2. What is your last/family name? *
3. Do you have an African passport? *
4. If so, which African country?
5. If you selected "No" in Question 3, please fill in the non-African country of your passport below.
6. What is your birth date? *
7. Do you have an advanced degree in the sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics or social science fields? *
An "advanced degree" means at least a Master's degree or beyond.
8. What is your highest level of education? *
9. What is your email address? *
By submitting this application, I agree that my name, photo, video and other information may be used on the NEF promotional materials and social media platforms and grant permission to AIMS and the Next Einstein Forum to use them. *
I hereby certify that the information submitted on this form and in the attached documents is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Please initial and date. *
Example for Bob Adams on January 13, 2012: BA 1/13/12
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