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Momentom Performer Registration
Register to perform with Momentom at Festivals and Events throughout the world.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name: *
Your Artist name: *
Your location: *
Which arts you perform: *
Do you have your own equipment? *
Detail any specific requirements for your act (spatial, rig, gas, equipment, etc): *
Please describe your act: *
Please provide an Artist Biography: *
Please provide links to your work and showreel: *
Your Instagram account: *
Your Facebook account: *
Your Website: *
Other: *
Please list prior performance experience: *
Please list and provide a description of any workshops you can lead: *
Please list specific events that you would like to perform or teach at: *
How did you hear about Momentom Collective? *
Other: *
Thank you
We will be in touch soon
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