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Request to Become a Photo-Video-Digital Media contributor for 2018 Women's March Chicago
Women's March Chicago is building a historical archive of photos and videos so we can show future generations the importance of the Women's Movement, our activism and the changes that have taken place as a result of marching and voting.

Women's March Chicago welcomes all photo and video editors.  In order to be part of the WMC Digital Team, please fill out the form below.  

The Digital Media Team needs Volunteers from  1/2/2018 until 1/30/2018. More details will follow for those who volunteer.

In order to become a digital editor, you will need to attend one training session before March Day.  These Dates & Times are listed below.  

Thank you for contributing and supporting Women's March Chicago.

Digital Media Team
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Email *
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Captionless Image
Name *
Phone Number
Did you attend a Women's March in 2017? yes *
Are you planning to be at the January 20 March to the Polls in Chicago organized by Women's March Chicago?  yes *
Are you able to use OSX? yes *
When are you able to attend a training session? *
What programs do you have editing experience in? *
Are you are a Professional photographer, photojournalist, cinematographer, studying photography, cinematography or Digital Arts and are interested in volunteering to be part of the Digital Media Team?
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Would you be interested in general volunteering on the day of the March?
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Would you be interested to be part of a story related to the work of Women's March Chicago?  
Please indicate yes/no here and we will keep this in mind as stories come together.
Please read and accept the following terms and conditions - ALL new contributors must complete this section. *
COPYRIGHT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By registering as a Contributor and submitting media, you hereby grant Women’s March Chicago NFP a worldwide, irrevocable, sublicensable, royalty-free right and license to publish, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, modify, and otherwise make use of such media by any means, methods and technologies now known or hereafter to become known. Contributor warrants and represents that he or she has the full right, power and authority to submit the media and to grant these rights and that Women’s March Chicago NFP’s use of the media will not violate any rights of any kind or nature whatsoever of any third party.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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