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Market on Main 2024 Vendor Application
For the 2024 Season, Market on Main will be hosted in the Ford Center Plaza on Wednesdays from 9am-1pm from June 5th to September 18th for a total of 16 market dates. Please review the Market on Main Guidelines prior to filling out this application.Your completed application will be reviewed when the $20 application fee is submitted. Please fill out the following Google Form, submit payment and required documentation by Friday, April 12, 2024. Upon the submission of the required documentation including the Market on Main Vendor Application, Certificate of Insurance, all local and state required licenses, and payments, the Market Manager will confirm or deny admission to Market on Main by April 26, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and participants will be assigned their booth spaces the first week of May. Once approved, vendors will receive an invoice for their booth fees, payable online or by check sent to the Urban Seeds. 

Market on Main is committed to operating as a producer-only market. All items sold must be grown, produced, or created by the vendor or vendor cooperative located within this region. No resale of produce or goods will be permitted. It is at the discretion of the Market on Main management team to determine which products and vendors will be accepted. Documentation of the source of items sold at the Market must be provided if requested by the Market Manager.  

Market on Main is operated by Urban Seeds, a nonprofit based in Evansville, IN. For questions please contact us at or call (812) 777-5375.
Liability Insurance
All market vendors for Market on Main will be required to provide proof of liability insurance coverage of a minimum of $500,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 general aggregate liability insurance. Please refer to the Vendor Guidelines document for the list of the five (5) required additionally insured entities.

License, Permit and Permission Information
Please email copies of licenses and permits issued by regulatory agencies to market management that are required for your business including but not limited to the Egg Vendor License, Seasonal Food Vendor Permit, and/or Temporary Food Vending Permit from the Vanderburgh County Health Department. Additional licenses may be required per local or state laws, and are the responsibility of the vendor to obtain and submit. 

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Email *
Vendor Information Contact:   *
Name of Farm, Business, or Organization:
Mailing Address: *
City: *
 Zip: *
County: *
Cell Phone: *
Secondary Phone:
Social Media:
Vendor Type:  *
If you plan to be a Full Season Vendor, please list any dates you are unable to attend:
If you plan to be a Partial Season Vendor, please list the dates you would like to attend the market:
Electricity required? If yes, please explain:
Tell us a little about your product/food/art/craft, as well as the location at which you grow/produce/create your product: *
By signing and dating, you agree to follow the terms of this application and the Market on Main rules and guidelines for the 2024 Season: *
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