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Campaign and Promo Info Summary
This form is helpful in promotional planning and assists our team in supporting your promotional efforts.  Thank you in advance for your responses.
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Company or Account Name *
Primary Contact for the Promotion *
Who is leading the initiative and can respond to questions or information needs?
Objective and Goals *
Describe the campaign's primary and secondary objectives, increase leads for service X, drive awareness about Y, driving traffic to a information and in hopes they will purchase XYZ in order to decrease inventory, raise awareness of an announcement, etc.  Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timed.
Promoted Products/Services & Audience *
Promo specific information: product(s) and services(s), any known information about the customers, to include: demographics (communities, age, sex, education, location); common challenges, needs, common objections (price, time, etc);  alternative to your product/service,  and what value they find in your offerrings.
Duration of Discount(s) and Terms
Beginning and End Date of the associated discount or giveaway and any applicable qualifying terms, such as cannot be combined with coupons, customer must complete survey, or similar.
Applicable Marketing Channels
Which mediums will be utilized in spreading awareness about your promotion? Include any tools that may be applicable as well.
Where will promotion information be located or displayed on your web property? *
Does a site page exist? If so, please provide the URL. If not, we can assist in creating one beginning with the information we collect in this form.
Promotion History and Past Results or Challenges *
Have you run this promotion before? If so, what were the results or is there more information related to those results? Are there any obstacles or challenges that might be faced with this promotion?
Outline of Tasks Remaining *
List any tasks, activities, or obstacles that must be addressed for this promotion to take place and the specific outcomes associated to each one.  Additional information such as the party responsible for a task and due dates are also helpful.
Thank you for choosing Grindflow Management LLC
Here's to your campaign's success!
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