Allegheny Dwellings Choice Neighborhoods -   Early Action Activities: Perry Hilltop Mural Project
The goal of the Mural Project is to engage residents alongside local artists and community groups to create a beautifully vibrant semi-permanent Mural that will enhance the current beautification efforts happening across the community. The Mural project will be one that honors the cultural legacy of the community while sharing imagery that promotes new ideas of growth, equality, unity, and creativity for all that live in our neighborhood. The location is yet to be determined. 
Name ( First and Last)
Email/Phone number
Are you a current resident of Perry Hilltop?
If no, where do you currently live?
Do you identify as an Artist or an Arts Admin Professional?
If yes, please list your mediums and/or experience?
Please describe your favorite aspects of the community.
List 5 words that best describe living in your community.
What would you like incorporated in the Mural Project?
Additional Comments:
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