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Mending Minyan Membership Form
Thank you for taking the time to become a member of Mending Minyan! 

Mending Minyan offers a joyous, liberatory Jewish community decoupled from Zionism in New Haven, CT.

Our membership model parallels other progressive, values-aligned synagogues and minyans around the country. We only exist through the generous support of our members, but cost is never a barrier to participating in and contributing to Mending Minyan. No one is turned away for lack of funds! 

Suggested Membership Model:
  • $50/month for individuals ($600/year)
  • $75/month for households (2+ adults) ($900/year)
However, we recognize not everyone in the community has the same ability to pay. So please just pay what you can. An example of a sliding scale can be found on our website. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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