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Flyby Matchmaker Application
Like when you applied to Harvard... only this time you get a date night instead of homework and a GPA. And remember, no relationship can survive on lies: be honest!
**You're only required to fill out the asterisked questions so don't worry if you don't have time to answer everything**, but remember– the more information you give us, the better your compatibility with your date might be!
***You must be an undergraduate student at Harvard College and 18 years old or older to participate. You must follow all Harvard College standards of conduct and other laws and regulations.
* Indicates required question
The Basics
Are you on the Crimson Staff?
Not sure
First and last name please!
Your answer
Date of Birth
Your answer
Gender Identity/Pronouns
Male (he, him, his)
Female (she, her, hers)
Do you date:
City, State, Country
Your answer
What year are you?
Phone Number
FYI, not for publication!
Your answer
Email Address
@college please!
Your answer
Do you live on campus?
Your answer
I'd be okay going on a date with...
Check all that apply!
Where would you be willing to meet your new friend?
On Campus Dining Hall
Board Plus/Crimson Cash Location
Somewhere in the Square (we'll pay!)
We want to get to know you a little better
Your answer
Your answer
What extracurriculars are/were you a part of that are most important to you?
Your answer
What are some things you're passionate about?
Your answer
Do you drink?
Clear selection
Favorite alcoholic drink?
(And no, we won't judge you for answering "straight up Rubinoff")
Your answer
On a Friday night, you're most likely...
Sleeping because #beautysleep
Doing homework because you promised yourself that you'd be a better student this semester
Casually hanging out with friends
Out partying
Out partying because that's the only way your friends will go to Noch's with you later
What makes you lol?
Brownie points if you say Flyby
Your answer
List three things you couldn't live without:
Your answer
What do you think is/are the best thing(s) about you?
Don't be shy.
Your answer
Two words your friends would describe you with:
Your answer
"These are a few of my favorite things"
Favorite food?
Don't you want people to know if you're a Spice or Crema type of person?
Your answer
Favorite TV show(s)?
Your answer
Favorite movie?
Your answer
Favorite book?
Your answer
Favorite type of music?
If you've watched the Blank Space music video more than 10 times, don't be afraid to say Tswift.
Your answer
Now to really look into your soul
I'm a regular
The what?
I thought about it.. but nah
Clear selection
One thing you'd change about Harvard
Your answer
The outdoors are...
nice to look at (on my screen)
Clear selection
Pumpkin spice lattes?
Obviously no.
Clear selection
Politics at the dinner table
Absolutely not
Clear selection
You know, this isn't all about you.
List some traits you'd find attractive in a significant other:
Your answer
What's your pet peeve?
People who won't stop raising their hands in section? Facebook profile pictures with 300+ likes?
Your answer
What's your deal breaker?
She actually likes riding the T... no, thanks!
Your answer
What should a college relationship look like?
Your answer
Best way to get in touch with someone you kind of maybe sort of like?
Facebook Message
Email (oops, the only thing listed on their Harvard Facebook)
Letter (fingers crossed that they know how to open their mailbox lock)
Get in touch? Hell no!
Clear selection
If you were to go on a double date, who would you want to be your wingman (or woman)?
no seriously, write down your single BFF's name, send them this form and we might arrange that for you. Or don't answer this one if you'd rather not!
Your answer
Anything else you'd like for us to know about you before we pair you up on a potentially magical date?
Your answer
Please type your name again as proof you have read the following:
If you are contacted to go on a date you will not be told who your date is with in advance (#blind). We will arrange the date and time. While on the date, you must follow all Harvard College standards of conduct and other laws and regulations. We will use your full name and a picture in the article that follows the date.
Your answer
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