Cell Quiz B
1. What part of the cell is responsible for breaking down and digesting things?
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2. Which of the following would you NOT find in a bacterial cell?
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3. Which of the following is found in white blood cells, but not red blood cells?
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4. The jellylike interior of the cell is called the:              
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5. What type of cell serves to protect and regulate body temperature?
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6. An animal that is missing connecting cells would have difficulty doing what?
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7. All living things are composed of ______ types of cells.
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8. Which of the following shapes would allow a cell to have the greatest surface area-to-volume ratio?
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9. Which of the following shapes would allow a cell to travel easily through the body?
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10. The ______cell provides structure for movement in a mammal.
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11. The _____cell is flattened and spread out so that it can carry __________from one part of the body to another.
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12. Oxygen and carbon dioxide that enters or leaves a mammal's body must cross a _______cell.
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13. Connective cells are somewhat similar to skin cells in all of these characteristics except ___________________.
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14. Which muscle tissue is multinucleate, voluntary, and bears striations?
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15. The only major type of cell specialized for movement is the _____ cell.
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16. Which of these is not a connective cell?
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17. What type of cell holds most organs in place?
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18. The primary purpose of stratification, or layering, in skin cells is for increased _____________.
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19. Which of the following is NOT a role of an adipose cell?
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20. Which of the following is a role of a nerve cell?
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