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Camper and Volunteer Registration Form
For 2022 Burning Man Contradance Camp.

Please complete this form if there is any chance that you might camp with us.

Other volunteers or contributors are encouraged to complete this form, but it is not required.

At this point we are assuming that COVID-19 will be mostly resolved by August.  We do need to remain open minded about the potential for cancelling camp or burning man itself.    The risks will be on our minds, throughout the planning process.

For more information see the camp website: .
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First and last name as commonly used in the default world.
Playa Name
(If you have one)
Preferred email address *
This must match your email address on the Burning Man profile site:
Google email address *
A gmail (or other Google domain) address is necessary for contributing to camp planning docs.  At least one is required per camping household.
Mobil Phone *
Alternate Phone
Postal Address
(Also used for carpooling hints.)
Partner, party or band name(s).
To help us group you with the rest of your party. Please fill out a separate registration form for each person.
Home dance(s) *
Where do you usually contradance, and what organization sponsors it?
What are the chances that you will be able to come to the Playa? *
Assume that we can find find you a ticket and that COVID-19 is under control.  Are there other reasons you might not come?   (Please commit yes/no by the end of July.)
Nope, But I want to help anyhow.
Playa or bust!
Can you (did you) purchase tickets? *
 (See the next 2 questions too.)
Can you purchase extra tickets for needy talent (reimbursed if necessary)? *
Note that the rules allow each individual to purchase two tickets, even if they belong to the same household.  You must use different credit cards.
Do you need to be reimbursed for any extra tickets that you personally don't use? *
In other words, do we need to find a cash donor for you to be able to give extra tickets to needy talent?
Please describe any dietary preferences.
Please list allergies on the next question. .  The default menu will be vegan with meat and cheese options on the side.
Please list food or other allergies *
Please list all allergies and other medical condition that might be important for us to know about.   High risk allergens (nuts) will always be segregated.  Enter none if none.
T-Shirt size *
Prior Burning Man experience *
Please list years and camps, or "none".
What talents, skills or energy can you contribute to the camp?
Please err on the optimistic side: this will be used to seed our plans.  There will be plenty of opportunity to make future adjustments.
Anything else that might be helpful for us to know?
Include such things as other camp affiliations, special needs, unusual skills or opportunities, etc.
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