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RSE Charity Vote 2021/22
Please find below the five charities nominated for Running Somewhere Else's Charity of the Year for 2021/22.
Along with each nomination is a brief description of why the nominee feels this should be our chosen charity of the year.
Once you have read the reasons and made your choice please select your favoured charity at the bottom of the form and submit.
Voting will remain open until midnight Sunday 6th June and the chosen charity will be announced during the club AGM on Thursday 10th June.
All votes will remain confidential.
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Severn Area Rescue Association
Following my uncle’s sudden and uncharacteristic disappearance on Easter Monday, SARA were deployed by Glos police to help search for him. Sadly, they located my uncle and then helped recover him from where he was found. SARA is run by volunteers and having witnessed first hand the care and dedication under such difficult conditions makes them a worthy nomination. You never know how much these people do until you need them.
Southmead Hospital Charity
I was fortunate enough to be under the care of Mr Teo - neurosurgeon for removal of a brain tumour that would of eventually have taken my sight in my right eye. Mr Teo is raising funds for a robotic arm which will assist in undertaking brain surgery, it improves magnification, has image making software which will make intricate surgery more accurate amongst other things ! There are 5 in the world. Although not within the Cirencester vicinity, I thought as an RSE member I would nominate this charity, Southmead really were fantastic and with the constant pressures on the NHS and COVID situation very little fundraising has occurred for equipment which could save lives and improve the outcomes of patients with brain tumours.
Coates Riding for the Disabled
RDA Watershed is our local branch of riding for the disabled based on the outskirts of Cirencester in Coates. The group aim to provide fun, enjoyment and therapy for children and adults aged 3 to 63 experiencing physical and learning difficulties. Watershed RDA is a separate registered charity and ALL the costs have to be raised by the group themselves.  Every penny raised goes directly to the riders and ponies as they have no administrative costs. The running clubs support would help them with their new project to develop a sensory trail for riders.  The more raised the more exciting the sensory trail could be with lots of ideas including 'sniff and smell' stations, sports activities, slopes and bridges and music stations to name just a few. The RDA would welcome the support from our running club
Suicide Crisis (Cheltenham)
They have an excellent track record & fill a gap that is not provided from NHS crisis teams. All clients under their care have survived they say due to their methods, approach and ethos being different from other crisis services. On a personal level, I would never call NHS crisis team, in fact I’m unlikely to ring anyone except possibly this charity as they understand complex MH conditions.
Great Western Air Ambulance
Great western Air Ambulance are in desperate need of charity support as this is their only funding to keep them flying. They have made over 7000 flights over the past couple of years. Who knows when any of us may need their life saving services.
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