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CCL Sponsored Membership Application
Our standard membership rate is $80/mo for a monthly recurring membership. However, we realize that there are many people in our community who don’t have the financial means to be able to afford such a rate. Counter Culture Labs offers a limited number of sponsored memberships with a reduced or waived membership rate. Sponsored members have the same rights and privileges as paying members.

Before applying here, we strongly encourage you to drop by our weekly Working Meeting and Social on Wednesday evening, so we can get to know you! We are a completely volunteer run organization, so it may take us a few weeks to processing your application. Sponsored memberships are typically for a 6 month duration, and you will need to reapply after that time. Keep in mind that we work on a shoestring budget, and have only a limited amount of funding available for these sponsored memberships. So the more you can contribute to your own membership fee, and the more you can make yourself a valued member of our community, the better your chances of being approved for sponsorship!
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Email *
First and last name: *
How much can you afford to contribute towards membership per month: *
Sponsored members are expected to uphold the Values that Counter Culture Labs stands for [], be an outstanding citizen in the lab, and generally contribute to the overall health of the Counter Culture Labs community and space. Becoming a valued member of our community could take many forms - from cleaning the lab on a regular basis, to helping to organize meetups, welcoming new members, writing grants, or keeping our website and wiki in shape. Tell us how you feel you can best contribute: *
What projects are you excited to work on, and what skills are you eager to learn? Note that as a sponsored member, you will be expected to do Open Science, keep track of your progress on our wiki, and present your progress at least every six months or so. *
Counter Culture Labs is committed to encouraging diversity, and participation of underrepresented and disadvantaged populations. Tell us how your presence may benefit our community in that respect: *
Student Member?
If you are currently a full-time student, tell us where and what grade you are in:
School you attend full time:
Your school's phone number:
When do you think you will graduate:
Have you been a sponsored member in the past? Remind us of how you contributed to our community before: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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