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Y.Ex 2020-2021 Application

No Longer Empty’s Young Exhibition Makers (Y.Ex) is a year-long program that trains and pays New York City youth (ages 14 to 19) in all elements of exhibition making, from curation to installation, tours, working with artists and management.

The pillars of this program are arts mentoring, youth leadership, and real life work experience. Youth will learn creative writing, (public) art history, public speaking/oratory skills and media literacy through working closely with curators, artists, and community leaders. This year's programming will focus on mental health and dis/ability, art as activism, and wellness over illness. No previous experience necessary, just an open heart and mind.

Y.Ex sessions will take place on Saturdays from 1pm - 3pm throughout the city. Orientation will be on Saturday, March 20th, from 1pm - 3pm. We will provide snacks for everyone.

After orientation, our first sessions will begin on Saturday, March 28th 2020. More details on session and trip locations will be provided at the first meeting.

All applications due by Tuesday, March 10th 11:59pm. If you have any questions, please email

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Full Name *
High School Name / Homeschool/Program *
Grade Level *
Gender *
Full Mailing Address *
Email *
Phone Number *
Parent or Guardian's Full Name *
Parent of Guardian's Email
Parent of Guardian's Phone Number *
What language(s) do you speak at home?
Do you need any learning accommodations or access needs?
Do you have any allergies?
There will be short readings / articles assigned for some of the sessions. How would you like to receive them?
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What are 2 social justice topics you are NOT familiar with that you want to learn more about? *
What are you most excited about learning about in Y.Ex? *
Tell us about a community you are a part of and why it's important to you *
What are 3 goals you hope to achieve through the program? *
A young curator with visiting artist Leslie Diuguid
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