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Bladers Rollerblading Mailing List
Planing to know about rollerblading group events? Submit your email to the generic mailing list.
Mailing list includes only: General announcements, social media news, rollerblading activities and generic closed circuit events (not distance skating such as trails and urban). 

If you create a profile, we can create and recommend events based on your personal preferences, equipment, skills, group and location or events more adequate to you

Profiles are automatically added to all mailing lists and chatroom and receive all types of events chosen in your personal profile

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name? *
For legal reasons with event organization your year of birth is required. *
Do you require any pronouns? *
Are you an inline skater? *
Location? (optional but advised)
If you share your social media, we will tag you for views and follows. 
Just type in your username without the platform name. (optional)
If you wish to be invited to a group chat leave your phone number. (optional)
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