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"A Face of Strength" brain tumor & cancer awareness social media campaign
@2nd Chance 2 Live (a blog by Wendy Santana)
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What is the name of the person you wish to memorialize? *
What is your name? *
What kind of cancer did the person you are memorializing have? (i.e. glioblastoma, melanoma, breast cancer, brain metastases.)  This will determine the hashtags to be used.
How did the person you are memorializing inspire you and/or demonstrate their strength? (1-3 sentences).  This will be your quote. *
What (if anything) would you would like people to know about this person and his/her journey?  This will be included in the recognition note when the "A Face of Strength" image is shared.
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Please be sure to submit photo(s) 1-3 max. My email is:
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