Form description
This registration form is for groups and organizations that are interested in celebrating Pride and showing support by marching in the Pride Parade on Saturday, April 29 in Starkville, MS. Any individuals (those who do not represent a group nor an organization but want to join the parade) can follow the groups and organizations and join the parade at the end of a line. We expect the parade length to be approximately one mile. The official parade route will be announced when it is confirmed.
1. The Parade will begin at 2:00 pm and end around 2:45 pm.
2. Please check in at the Starkville Pride main table (Fire Station Park) by 12:45 pm.
3. Line-up for vehicles and floats will begin at 1:00 pm.
4. Line-up for groups will begin at 1:30 pm.
***Please know that this schedule is subject to change. Please look out for e-mails from us.
***Security will be provided at the Market in case you need to leave items with the Pride Staff tent.