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MOTF Next Contest Theme
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What should the next MotF theme be?
First Choice
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Third Choice
I'm Going to Pay You 100 Ducats to F*** Off: Make a map showing a tribute system
Stories of the Storm: Depict a natural disaster.
Not The Only Thinkers On The Block: Create a map where humans and another, sapient/near sapient species coexist
Backstop? What Backstop? Make a map showing a legal discrepancy between countries which influences border traffic.
You're not welcome here: Depict an international pariah state.
Green is for World Domination: Make a map depicting an environmentalist movement.
I Love You, You Pay My Rent: Make a map of a fiscal redistribution scheme
Whatever You're Smoking: Make a weird map.
Frozen Conflict - Show a technically active war which for whatever reason has not seen actual combat for a long time.
What Happened to Dorcas? Make a map depicting the aftermath of an assassination.
Newspeak: Make a map depicting language reform.
Pick A God And Pray! Make a map depicting the religious makeup of some area or entity.
Four Corners: Make a map of four or more entities which share, or almost share, a common point.
Bits of This and That: Produce a map depicting a country with enclave and exclaves.
Friends and foes: show an unlikely alliance
Hungarian Democracy: show a democracy declining into dictatorship
I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman: Make a map of the ramifications of a random political scandal.
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