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DRC's Volunteer Intake
DRC relies heavily on volunteers and community members to make our services available to our community. We know your time is valuable and we are incredibly grateful and humbled by the support we receive.

If interested in being a community volunteer for our Ethos and GRO Initiative Diversion Programs, please fill out the online volunteer intake form. We are always in need of new Circle Keepers for our diversion circles. Training is only 6 hours and is offered quarterly. Upon training completion,  all volunteers receive certification as a Circle Keeper for Restorative Circles. DRC requires a simple background check.  Please understand that although there are no criminal convictions that are automatically disqualifying, you may be asked for more information about any prior convictions.


We Recognize Your Time Is Valuable!

As a Community Member for Diversion, we recognize your time is valuable and we want to show you our appreciation. Upon the close of each case, DRC will pay a stipend for your participation. Prices vary upon your level of training, and stipends are paid monthly. DRC requires volunteers to fill out a W-9 form, and hours are based upon what works for your schedule to accommodate your lifestyle. We understand the importance of flexibility. If interested in learning more about how you can be a trained Community Volunteer please email for adult diversion and drcyouth@drc-mn.youth for youth diversion.
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Phone number *
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Preferred Method of Contact: *
How did you hear about us? *
What drives you to get involved as a DRC volunteer? *
Programs of Interest: *
Do you have any experience as a volunteer for an organization? Please share: *
Have you had any experience or educational training in restorative circles, diversion or mediation? *
Are you open to working with others as a part of a team or group? *
Are you bilingual or multilingual? What languages do you speak? *
Which days of the week are you available? Check all that apply. *
What times are you generally available? Check all that apply. *
Do you have any questions, comments, or additional information you would like to include? *
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