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BNHA Fic Commission Requests for shizuumi151
I'm currently offering commissions for Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia, meaning requests for other franchises won't be considered at this time. You can check out my works:

— on BNHA at
— in general at

This form contains 3 sections after this introduction:

1. Contact Details — to let me know how I should get in touch with you if I work on your commission
2. About You — to provide your name and age
3. About Your Commission — to specify your idea and desired length/price of your commission
4. Terms of Service — to clarify the rules and regulations and your entitlements when commissioning me

Type in your email address and read the clarifications below before you get started!

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Submitting this form does not secure or guarantee you a commission.
You'll be notified whether I take on or turn down your request separate to this form. What this does mean, though, is that

1. your request will be kept safe and queued in my records, so you only need to send a request once, and
2. you don't need to make any deposit or payment unless I tell you that I've accepted your commission.
No personal information you submit in this form will be publicised or discussed with others either online or otherwise.
Information you submit here will remain private and be used only for the purposes of informing me about what sort of request you have in mind. This includes the email address you provide above; along with keeping it private, I won't send or spam you with anything irrelevant to notifying you about your request status.
I have a leaning towards Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugou Katsuki as an endgame pairing.
Some people call it bias; I like to call it specialty. (Cue canned laughter.)

This just means that if you have a request featuring either of these two in separate endgame relationships, I probably won't write it. No hard feelings, obviously; I'd just like to write commissions according to this preference. Though requests that focus on other pairings or don't feature any are perfectly acceptable!
The specific content of your request will not factor into my decision of accepting it.
What will factor in my decision to take on a commission, however, is the length and feasibility of your idea, my stated preference above, as well as other circumstances — such as workload on my end or my confidence in fulfilling the request competently — which I will not necessarily inform you about.
If you have any problems with filling out this form, send me a message or an ask on Tumblr.
I'll do my best to fix the issue ASAP!
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