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The Child's Primary After School Class!!
TIME: 3:00-3:45PM

1st session cost:

1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9

$100.00 1st twirler
$80.00 sibling 

In order for the class to happy, we must have a minimum of 10 twirlers signed up. 

Baton Twirling: 
Baton Twirling allows our youth to learn how to take all of these elements, some dry and technically tiresome, some difficult and challenging, and create emotion, feeling, passion, develop a good work ethic, understand their own inner strengths and weaknesses, learn how to work with others and find a reason to stay focused on a quality life.

Questions? Email: or text 1 (603) 505-0213‬

Did you register for the Band app (the classes primary form of communication:

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Twirlers Name
Parent name *
Email *
Please make sure to fill out and email the Tide Class Agreement to
Phone number *
Payment Method:
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Do you have a baton (ABC or Starline, no toy batons) Please watch guide on how to measure a baton
I understand that my twirler participates at their own risk. 
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