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Library Instruction Request
Cardinal Beran librarians are available throughout the academic year to provide instruction sessions to your students (both in person and online) by appointment. Each instruction session is tailored to your students' needs. Instruction can take place in the classroom or at the library. 

Library instruction helps your students: 
  • Locate reputable, scholarly sources in the library and online
  • Evaluate information 
  • Use databases to locate scholarly articles & other materials 
  • Learn how to cite properly and avoid plagiarism
To request an application, fill out and submit this form. After you fill out the request form, a librarian will contact you to go over the details and confirm the instruction session. If you have questions, please contact us at 713-654-5772 or
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Contact Information
Instructor Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number
Request Information
Delivery of Instruction (select all that apply) *
Course Name *
Number of Students *
Preferred Date *
Alternate Date(s)
Preferred Time *
Alternate Time(s)
Provide a brief explanation of the type of library instruction desired, including preferred type(s) of library resources to be discussed (journal articles, book reviews, etc.), and desired learning outcomes.
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