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Hive Mind - Tichondrius [Horde]
We raid 3 nights a week: Tuesday -Thursday from 7-10PM PST.

All raiders are expected to be on 10 minutes before 7 to setup and clear trash.

Our goal is to create a competitive atmosphere and a laid- back environment where our members can enjoy raiding on a lighter schedule, but still progress at an advanced rate. Attitude and personality fit are emphasized as we're firm believers in not only finding excellent players, but players who get along and work well together.

We're always looking to add excellent players with the mindset that our mythic roster is never complete. We will take the best players whether they've been with us for years or are fresh applicants.


We will consider all exceptional applicants as well regardless of class.

Strong preference towards applicants that have 12/12M experience in previous tier. If your logs are outstanding regardless of your progression feel free to apply.


New trials will undergo a three week trial process, with a review after two weeks. During periods of extended farm when we're raiding less than 3-4 hours a week, we will more than likely need to see you more than the standard trial window to get a decent look at you as a player. During the trial phase we are looking at all aspects of you as a raider, from your reliability, your personality, attitude and how you handle mechanics. We stress personality and attitude fit above all. We require all approved trials to transfer to Tichondrius before we begin your trial.

Hive Mind utilizes a loot council system with the intent that every item goes to the player/class that will put it to the best use. We use RC Loot Council to organize and distribute all loot. All raid members are expected to have WeakAuras and Exorsus Raid Tools as well. We also ask that all trials remove any alt codes from their name when they transfer to Tichondrius.

Please add us below on Discord after applying to speed up the process of responding to your application:


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Can you make our raid times? (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7-10 PM PST) *
What is the name of your character? *
What spec are you looking to raid on? Any raid ready alts? (Optional) *
What is your Btag? *
What is your Discord username? *
Link your Warcraft Logs profile *
How old are you? *
Do you currently work and/or attend school? *
Why are you looking/why did you leave your current guild? *
Give a detailed history of your recent raiding history *
Why would you make a good addition to our raiding team? What about you stands out? *
Past raiding experience, what makes you a good raider, how long you've been playing, etc.
Do you stream or have videos of your play for us to review? If so, link below. *
How did you hear about us? *
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