Related Arts Selection 7th Grade
You will be choosing your first, second and third choices for Related Arts classes..  Please select the classes that you would like to take.  You may not receive the classes in the order you select them, but every effort will be made to make sure you receive at least your first choice.  All students will receive Physical Education/Health, so that choice is not offered.

Art – provides students with opportunities to use a variety of media and to learn the elements and principals of design. (1 semester)

Band – This is a performing instrumental music class.  Students will learn to play instruments and perform in at least 2 concerts. Only students who were in Band in 6th grade or have the recommendation of Ms. Keely will be placed in this class. This is a year-long class.  (2 credits)

Choir – this is a Choir, not a general music class.  You will be expected to sing everyday.  Performances will be part of your grade. (2 credits, except for band students, who may take this for 1 credit and still be in band)

Computer Science  - This class will learn the fundamentals of coding.(1 semester)

General Music – this is a non-performance class where students learn music history and theory. (1 semester)

Spanish 1- Introduction to Spanish in which students focus on every day topics (days, months, dates, telling time etc..) and conversation as they begin to learn about Spanish culture.

Spanish 2- Continuing Spanish learners are instructed through Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS). Students will gain proficiency of the language and a better understanding of the culture in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking.  Only students who successfully passed Spanish 1 and have the recommendation of Señorita Johnson may take this class.

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