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Data types
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How would you epress the hexa decimal value a^5 as a base-16 integer constant in python *
2 points
How can we convert the given list into the set *
2 points
If we change one data type to another, then it is called  *
2 points
If we try o access the itesitem outside the list index then what type of error it may give L *
0 points
In which data type,indexing is not valid? *
2 points
I which of the data type duplicate items are not allowed  *
2 points
L=[1,2,3,4,8,1.2] which type of data type is this  *
2 points
X=3.123, then int(x) will give *
2 points
Which of the sequy are valid i. The set data type in python  *
2 points
What is the list datatype in python  *
2 points
Wh of these is not a core data type? *
2 points
Which of the following will seen with out errors *
2 points
What error occurs when you excute the following python code snippet
2 points
What data type is the object below
2 points
In order store values in terms of key and value we use what core data type *
2 points
What is the return value trnc()? *
2 points
What is the return type of function I'd? *
2 points
Which of the following are valid ways to specify string literal foo'bar in python *
2 points
Which of the following is not a python built in function  *
2 points
In python 3,the maximum value for an integer is 2^63-1 *
2 points
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