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Registration form for Alumni Association of SNDT Arts and Commerce College for Women, Pune
Dear Students, .
Please register yourself as a member of Alumni Association by filling the form.
Thank you.
Email *
Name *
Mobile Number *
Year of Graduation (eg April 2018) *
Faculty *
Specialization for BA students -
Medium of Instruction *
After your graduation have you pursued any Masters' Programme? *
If Yes, mention name of the course you enrolled
Are you currently working? *
If Yes, mention your designation, and the name of the employer with address and contact number
Are you self employed? *
If Yes, name and nature of your business, and contact details
Please mention your income per month in Rs or say Nil *
What do you miss most about your College? *
In what way would you like to get associated with the College? *
How would you rate your College on the scale of 1 to 10? *
Not so good
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