Demande d'accès en écriture
Pre-boarding/On-boarding Quiz
Contract, Code of Conduct, Intro to UYV and TFM, DHS UFACET/Levels of Care, Evaluations/Consumers
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The Utah Youth Village uses the following model to provide treatment: *
1 point
What are the goals of the Teaching Family Model (check all that apply)
1 point
The Teaching Family Model encourages the use of punishment and disregards teaching as the main form of behavior change. *
1 point
The Department of Human Services uses an evidenced based decision making tool to determine level of care for clients called: *
1 point
My consultant is available 24/7. *
1 point
The 6-month practice evaluation and 1-year certification evaluation are optional.   *
1 point
Which level of foster care does Utah Youth Village provide?
1 point
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As a contractor with Utah Youth Village, you are required to use the Teaching Family Model.
1 point
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