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Renegade Standard Poodles Puppy Questionnaire
These are the starting points for our conversation. Please answer the following questions.
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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone number *
Occupation and occupation of your spouse, if applicable *
Best time to contact you (select all that apply) *
1. How many people are in your family? *
2. Do you have any children? If so, what are their ages? *
3. Do you have a fenced backyard? *
4. How do you plan to keep the dog safe while outdoors? *
5. How do you plan to provide required exercise for the dog? *
6. Do you live in the country or the city? Please describe your home environment. *
7. Have you ever owned a dog before? Do you own any dogs now? How many and what breed? Please tell us about them. *
8. Would you be willing to attend training or obedience classes with your puppy? *
9. Can you create routines and rules that they are comfortable with, so that they learn that you are their pack leader and will look to you for guidance? *
10. Poodles require bathing and grooming monthly. Are you prepared for their required grooming maintenance? *
11. Are you interested in outdoor activities? What kind? *
12. Are you looking for a male or female puppy? *
13. What is your reason or interest in acquiring a standard poodle? *
14. Please tell us how you found us. (Referral, print ad, website, Facebook, Google, etc) *
15. Who is your current veterinarian? *
16. How do you plan to address your puppy's needs during the work day? He/she will need a potty break every 2-3 hours and cannot be left alone for longer than that. *
Thank you for taking the time to complete our questionnaire.
This will help us to get to know you better and to do the best possible job of picking out a puppy that will suit your needs. This will also help give you some thought on how you will care for your puppy. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (916)205-0544 (Suzanne) or (916)205-0543 (Ashley). You may also email us at
We take great care in talking to and screening our prospective families, as we want the puppies to go to the best homes possible. We want to make sure that it is a good match for you, your family, and the puppy. We spend a great deal of time raising and creating a loving well-behaved puppy, so we love each and every one. We want to make sure that they are going to fantastic homes, because they are our babies!
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