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DigitalNomics Boot Camp Questionnaire
Please take a few minutes and fill out the pre-qualifying questionnaire form below so that I can move you further through the appointment scheduling process.

Once you complete the questionnaire and submit the form, if you are chosen, I will contact you personally for a 30 minute “GET READY” session!

I will be PERSONALLY conducting these calls with you so here's your opportunity to be REALLY candid with me and with yourself about the state of your life and business! Your responses and all replies are confidential.
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Email *
Today's Date *
Time *
Time Zone *
Your Name? *
Personal Email Address: *
Phone: *
1. What is the most important outcome you must accomplish over the next 90-120 Days? *
2. What other goals would you like to achieve? *
3. Do you have a timeframe for achieving the other goals? *
4. How long have you been in business? *
5. How long have you been struggling with your current challenges? *
6. How are these challenges affecting your business? Your life? Your relationships? *
7. What do you perceive is preventing you from overcoming these challenges? *
8. Are you ready to transition your business into a legacy? *
9. Are you called to create a movement? *
10. Would you say you are still a beginner or are you seasoned, or somewhere in between? *
11. How much time are your challenges costing you? *
12. How much money are your challenges costing you? *
13. How much energy are your challenges costing you? *
14. Are your challenges impacting any other areas of your life that you can identify? *
15. What have you tried in the past overcome your challenges that has not worked for you? *
16. What has worked for you? *
17. What do you see as the next steps for you to overcome your current challenges? *
18. What is your budget for working on yourself or your business? *
19. Are there other incomes available to you? *
Are you able to afford between $250 - $500 per month for personal one-on-one coaching? *
20. Do you have a revenue reserve you can tap into? *
21. Do you have a partner to assist you financially? *
22. Have the programs you have invested in previously benefited you? If so, how? *
23. If they have not benefited you what were some of the reasons? *
24. What are you hoping is different about the DigitalNomics: Walk Away Wealth System we offer? *
25. What were the formats of these programs? Example: Live, virtual, monthly, year long? *
26. Are you emotionally ready to invest in yourself, your family or both at this time? *
27. Do you have the time and energy to commit to this work at this time? *
28. Are you financially able to commit to this work at this time? *
29. Is there anything else I should know about you? *
30. Is there anything else you would like to know about me? *
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