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Department of Aerospace Studies Golf Tournament Registration Form
Thank you for registering for the Department of Aerospace Studies Golf Tournament!

Individual Registration cost: $50 (includes 18-hole green fee, cart fee, warm-up range balls, electronic scoring) (GOLF CLUB RENTALS/BALLS ARE NOT INCLUDED)

One meal will be provided at the tournament.

Please fill out the form below.

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1. Name (First and Last)
2. Phone Number (preferably mobile) *
3. Email *
4. Who would you like be on a team with? (Please list first and last name, MAX 4 people per team)

If you do not have any preferences, you will be randomly assigned to a team.
5. If you know your handicap, please add it below
6. Would you like to sponsor a cadet to play at the tournament?

If yes, please proceed, if not please skip to question 8.
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7. How many cadets would you like to sponsor? (Please provide a specific number and the names of any specific cadets you would like to sponsor)

This number you indicate will add an additional $50 per cadet to your final cost. This will be paid the morning of the tournament, during registration.
8. Would your organization like to present and awards at the tournaments closing ceremony? If yes, please provide the name of the award below:
9. Any other comments/information you would like us to know?
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