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This Study Abroad Memorial Scholarship was established by the Tallman/Curtis family and friends to honor Brock Curtis, who passed away from mental illness on Jan. 12, 2021.  Brock traveled to five continents and lived in numerous locations, including Seoul, Korea; Lima, Peru; Los Angeles, Calif., and Miami, Fla. The scholarship will be awarded to a NU undergraduate student with financial need, preference given to male applicants who are interested in a faculty-led or semester-long study abroad to Africa, Asia, or Latin America.
                                               Brock Traveled the World- Where will you Travel?
Name  *
Home Address *
Best Phone Number *
Best email address *
NU Student number *
Cumulative GPA *
Anticipated Graduation Date *
Date interested in Studying Abroad *
Location interested in Studying Abroad *
What's your motivation to study abroad and/or study in that location? This is one of the key factors in selection- please no AI responses.  *
What are your financial challenges? *
Any thing else, you'd like us to consider while making a selection?
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