Redding LIFE Survey
Do you want to be make connections and get involved in meaningful solutions within your city?  

Redding Leaders, Investors, Friends and Encouragers (LIFE) is your point of connection with local non-profits and 100's of opportunities from advocating to volunteering, strategizing to organizing, supporting to leading.

When you invest in your community, you become a part of the solutions that are positively impacting the challenges facing people in our community.  This survey will help clarify the opportunities that best match your interests, skills and availability.  You can also sign-up to receive Redding LIFE invitations to events and activities.

Thank you for investing in Redding.  Your City - Your Life - Redding LIFE
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone *
Where do you want to invest your efforts? *
Where do you want to invest your efforts?
Where do you want to invest your efforts?
Is there a specific people group you are most interested in helping?
EXAMPLE: low income population, youth, men, women, seniors, veterans, people in transition, etc
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