Help us improve Gazebo documentation!
We are planning improvements to the Gazebo documentation, and would greatly benefit from, and appreciate, your input and suggestions before we get underway.

Thanks very much for your time!
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How familiar do you consider yourself to be with Gazebo?
Complete beginner
Expert user
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How would you rate your programming proficiency in the language you use most often?
Complete beginner
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For what do you use Gazebo?
If you don't use Gazebo, why not?
If you have referenced Gazebo documentation, what did you look at?
Have you ever looked for documentation on a topic and found that it didn't exist? What were you looking for?
Any additional comments?
Examples of great documentation?
If you'd like to help us beef up Gazebo documentation, we'd be thrilled!
Leave your email address below, and note any specific topics of interest.
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