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SysMa4 Transition
The System Mapping as a Service for post-COVID Regional Transition project provides a customer-oriented knowledge management tool for restoration of regional economies through resilience planning in RIS countries. It involves the modelling of a scalable and marketable system mapping service to accelerate transitions to
sustainable economic models. Tested in response to the post-COVID transition period the developed tool will serve as a decision-making enabler towards boosting alternatives for challenge-owners in prioritizing economic activities and inform investment to speed the transition process, aimed at making resilient, healthy communities, recognizing innovations for market and positive transformation.

The service will provide for utilization of current and novel unstructured data, allowing for path-emergence and systemic decision-making to be applied as a rapid response, providing for a customer-oriented tool that responds to a clearly defined need.

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Information about the workshop
What the workshop aim:
1. Identify projects, ideas, initiatives related to regional priorities
2. Identify actors/stakeholders related to the above
3. Identify barriers and gaps slowing down above projects

*Workshops will be held ONLINE using interactive collaborative whiteboarding platform (*
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Email Adress *
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Are you representing any Company, Industry or Organization? If yes, which one? *
Position at the Company/Industry/Organization
What time would you prefer the workshop to be held? *
Which language would you prefer? *
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