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J.E.D.I CEO Action Initiative // Interest Registration
Thank you for your interest in joining this program sponsored by the J.E.D.I Collaborative. Please provide the following information to your level of comfort. Please note that spots are limited & it's possible not every application will be accepted. Please apply soon.

This should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

This program is pencilled for early 2024.
If you have further questions, please email

To learn more, view the website:
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Email *
Name *
Company/Organization *
Please provide the company or organization that you work for.
Is this company a member of OSC? *
Is this company a member or client of any of the following? *
How do you identify racially and/or ethnically?
J.E.D.I Collaborative is committed to expanding racial diversity and inclusion within this circle.
To increase accessibility, we can provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities if requested. If applicable, please share any additional details we may need to know to optimize your experience.
Why are you interested in joining the CEO Action Learning Initiative? *
Your response can be brief.
Does your company have an existing JEDI Statement? *
Does your company have an existing JEDI action plan with clear commitments? *
Anything else we should know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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