Conference - Things to discuss at my conference...
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Question 1a - Reflection on behaviour/work habits
Select the most appropriate options regarding your work habits?
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Question 1b - Reflection on behaviour/work habits
Taking into account the question I just answered, I consider my efficiency during class to be....
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Question 1c - Reflection on behaviour/work habits
When I come to class....
Question 1d - How could my work habits be even better
My efficiency during class time would be even better if....
Question 1e - What strategies am I going to put into place to improve my work habits this unit
I am going to improve my work habits by....
Question 2a - In an academic sense, what has been going well for me this year
List three things you have done this year that have improved the quality of your work
Question 2b - In an academic sense, their are things out of my control that have helped me improve my level of performance.
List two things, someone has suggested or helped you with that has led to better performance at school. This could be a parent, friend or teacher...
Question 2c - I can think of a number of things that I could have done that might have helped me throughout the year
Select three things that would have meant my performance this year was even better
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Question 2d - The things that will help me in the future
From now on, I will.... (List at least 3 specific things you will do to improve your performance for this upcoming unit)
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