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Franklin County Humane Society Adoption Application
Please complete all questions.  
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Email *
Animal of interest: *
Date: *
Applicant full name: *
Address (please include city, state and zipcode) *
Daytime Phone: *
Evening Phone: *
Email: *
Do you: *
*If rental please provide landlord's phone:
Where will the cat/kitten predominately live:   *
Please list the names and ages of children and others in your household. *
In the next section please list ALL of the pets you currently own or have owned in the past five years. *
Are/were your current/past pets spayed or neutered?   *
Are your current pets up to date on vaccinations? *
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number: *
How did you hear about us?   *
If you are interested in adopting a cat, do you plan on declawing? *
If declawing, by what method?
My cat needs to get along with:  (check all that apply) *
Place of employment AND phone number: *
Briefly describe the qualities you are looking for in an animal you are considering adopting: *
Electronic signature:
Thanks for your application!  A volunteer will follow up with you ASAP.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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