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Donor Story Form
An important part of our mission is honoring the legacies of our donors. Your story is important to us, and we respectfully ask that you share it below.
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What is the name of your Fund? *
Who are what inspired you to establish the fund, and what impact do you hope to have in the community?                                                                    
What have you enjoyed most about your giving experience including your favorite grants?            
If you could encourage some to establish a fund with the Community Foundation, what advice would you share?
Donor #1 Full Name *
Donor #1 Date of Birth (Month and Day)
Donor #2 Full Name
Donor #2 Date of Birth (Month and Day)
Preferred Email and Phone Number
With your permission, we would like to share your story in our publications.   If you would prefer this information not be published during your lifetime, please check the box below.  Also, we would like to archive a photograph of your choice as part of your donor file. You can email the photograph to or or mail to P.O. Box 1159, Roanoke, VA 24006. THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR STORY WITH US!  
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